Monday, August 3, 2009

H1N1 what the hell virus... sien ket...><

Finnaly my college hv a malay kena jor... so wan take mouth cover go school le....
sien ket... so sohai la....><
But nvm, have many teacher take mc so many class no need to go jor... hehe^^
now just hv extra time to update the blog... really very free now... hehe^^
same with xue er them no need go school n just rest at hostel only...hehe^^

today wan go genting with my family, so shuang.. hehe^^
really so long time no go with family alr... n can celebrate with mum... hehe^^
really happy happy ar... keke^^
just this all la...hehe^^
N last sunday go PC FAIR, so many ppl wan walk also hard...zzz...
but have many leng lui leh... hehe^^
walk le almost 3 hour but le so many thing leh, n use le so many money... xin tong ar...><
the hard disk so expensive la... Rm223 leh.... zzz... but also wan to but it, sien ket...
so this week just can use RM100 only nso poor now... T.T

Just this all la... hehe^^
xue er this week bac kp lim teh ar cal ah sim together la... ok???
wait me lar... hehe^^